Wednesday, May 18, 2011

My Mommy

Mother's Day always lands on/around my Mom's birthday, so poor Mom only really gets one special day.  Hardly enough to do her justice!
Getting ready to take a photo, inspecting Ruth's "Betsy" the cow...
I finally got the opportunity to take her for lunch when I dropped the girls off at the Interlakes Kids Space wind up.

Ready to go!

Went to "Marcelle's Boulevard" Diner at the Interlakes...always really yummy food.  Mom ordered the "Gravlax" is marinated salmon and very good.  I had the wild mushroom soup and a grilled ham and pineapple sandwich. I have got to make that for my girls, it's like Pizza!

Drove around killing time and looking at places for sale.

Then went to the "Country Peddler" for a good while...there's so much stuff to look at that you need a "good while"... ha ha.  This little garden thingy-bob was so cute.

 Happy Birthday to my Mommy dearest!  Mom's caring ways are often over looked and under valued, but we love her tremendously and have learned so much from living on the same yard for almost 3 years now.  There is so much value in learning from someone who has been there, done that and succeeded!   
My Mom has survived and thrived no matter where life has taken her.
She buried a husband at age 31 and raised us 3 adorable children.
 Then she opened her heart to love again when God sent Papa John along.  Together they raised us ever increasingly adorable children in adolescent years.  Then poor Mama buried her daughter and along with her all the hopes and dreams she had for her.
 Can you just imagine?  Expecting a wonderful wedding and instead having a funeral?  My Mom survived and didn't turn bitter but she got even better.  Despite how I know she wanted to hang onto us forever, Mom was able to let us go into God's hands.  Let us make our own mistakes, only giving advice when asked, praying and relaxing that we would find our way.  It takes a special Mom to be able to let her birdies fly away from the nest to make their own.
 We never felt interference, only support.  How blessed I have been to have parents who encourage us and who love our children and reinforce our values to them!
 I believe our family loves deeply because we have lost...we know how to bask in joyful moments as they may be our last.  It has been a joy being the daughter of my Mother and yes, I look like her some and I pray her hospitality and Godly character passes along to me and my own girls!
A side note~ I am so thankful for a Mom, who although she may not fully understand everything about me, let's me be ME!  Her love of the dirt, gardening and cooking for crowds (ha ha) has passed on, but some things about us are very different.  I was remembering last night all the stories of her dressing me up in cute dresses only to find them shoved up the eveastroph or behind a bush and a little underpants-Jo streaking around the yard.  I'm sure I made her scratch her head a few times, but she didn't force me to me anything I was not.  Now I see my own girls doing the same thing and understand just how much my Momma loves me...guess I sure love my babies!


Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

I feel so much the same way about my own mum. Beautifully written, Jo.

Unknown said...

Mums are the best! I think I edited the post after you commented...

Allison said...

Well said Jo! Your mom really is one of the best (I've got the other best one :-) She also opened her heart to another girl who refused dresses and schemed with her daughter! Give her my love and birthday blessings. Allison