Saturday, January 14, 2012

Homemade Whole Grain Bread

It has been brought to my attention that I haven't posted my bread recipe... that will never do!

I have posted a Cinnamon Buns recipe so check it out.  You can also search my Right Side Labels under "Baking" etc for other recipes.

Click Here For Cinnamon Buns Recipe

So here are a few favorite bread recipes that I use all the time.  The joys of bread making is experimenting in adding different grains, etc.  It takes time and patience to learn perhaps, but start off with small batches and just go for it!

Basic Bread   by Maureen Buckley

3 Cups milk (scalded with the shortening)
3 cups warm water
1/2 cup shortening (lard)
9 tbsp sugar (about 3/4 cup)
2 tbsp salt
3 tbsp instant yeast

Scald milk and shortening (about 5 mins in microwave).
Put in your mixer or into a large mixing bowl with the water.
Mix in sugar and salt.
Add 3 cups flour.
Mix yeast with 2 cups of flour and add.
Stir in enough flour to make a soft dough (not sticky, smooth, elastic like)  If you are using a mixer, it starts to pull away from the edges and is not sticky.
Turn out of pan and knead in additional flour.
Grease/oil a large bowl and plop your dough into it, turn it around so the top is covered with oil too.
Cover with wax paper from an old cereal box, etc. and a large tea towel.
Let rise in a warm location or in the oven with the light on.
Rise until doubled.  PUNCH down  and let rise again.
Make 6 loaves, grease pans, plop into the pans and let rise.  Preheat your oven 350F and then bake them for 30-35 minutes.
Turn pans upside down and knock out the loaves onto a rack.  YUM!

Try substituting wheat germ, ground flax, whole wheat, etc.

The above recipe also makes good cinnamon buns, garlic bread, pizza dough.
I made a full recipe and got 2 large pizzas, 1 9x13 pan of cinnamon buns and 1 loaf of bread.
A half recipe is nice.

JO's Whole Grain Bread

6 cups warm water
4 tbsp honey
1 cup ground flax
3 tsp salt
1 egg
1/3 cup olive oil
2 1/2 cups rye flour
3 tbsp instant yeast
1/2 cup wheat germ
whole wheat flour
white flour  ( i have another white bread recipe that uses 6 cups of water and about 16 cups of flour)

Mix in order given in a Bosch machine, etc or half the recipe in smaller mixers.
The trick with RYE flour is that you don't add so much flour that the dough is smooth like it normally should be.  You end up with a brick then!  Let it remain somewhat sticky!  Grease your hands good and as long as you can handle it and put it in greased (i use lard for this recipe in my pans) pans, you are good to go.  Press a little oats on top of it.
Let it rise until you like the size of it in the pan and bake it.  350F 30-35 minutes.

Try using Applesauce or yogurt in your breads as well.

A note about yeast:  These recipes have instant yeast, but for traditional, you need to proof your yeast in a little of the warm liquid used and some sugar.  No problem.  Just substitute, I'm not sure if the amounts are exactly the same?

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