Thursday, October 27, 2005

Pass or Fail...

Well, Gregg has been waiting for a wee piece of paper to arrive to tell him Pass/Fail. Well, the paper has arrived and we can let out our breath and sigh...yes! Done! Fini!
It feels so good to me that Gregg is done, I can't imagine what it feels like for Gregg!
No more essays, research papers, therap. use of self....oh the joys of all the nonsense involved in getting a degree.
Gregg is very happy at the Virden Hospital, and loves the nite shifts...of course, we always knew he was a nite owl anyways. The ladies seem to be adjusting to him. :) ha ha. He is getting a lot of experience in many different areas, and we're looking forward to the time when he finds more direction. We also thought it would be nice to be able to volunteer at summer camps (TMBC where we met perhaps) or at some point go to missions work or volunteer to go overseas to somewhere needy.
We're feeling like we're finally in a place where we'll be able to start giving back more than taking. So many people supported us in so many little ways, that we want to Pass It Forward.
It Feels SO Good to be done!

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