Friday, April 12, 2013

Easter Celebrations Part 3

Part 3 saw a trip to an Aunt & Uncle's place that I had only visited once before as a young teen.  I remember loving their house and something about the stair case and the attic play space.  My girls were not disappointed!  They also fell in love with that staircase attic play room.  I think we may have instilled a love for older character homes in our girls!

No Unger gathering is complete without a treasure hunt.... too bad the wind didn't stay away.

We were divided up into groups and had to look for clues to our secret treasure
We had fun trudging through snow and racing to spots to beat the next guys.  

At the end we all individually looked for our goody bag in the machinery that was housed in the shed.
We spent the night at my folks new rental digs and then had our own little egg hunt.  Papa and hubby went out loaded with bags of plastic eggs to hide.

Some of the hiding spots were pretty clever!  The most obvious spots were often over looked.

Somehow Nana found a giant bag of brussel sprouts?
Dividing up the loot ~ yup, our family tends to keep things "fair"
Now for some reason the "let's get the burrs out" turned into a full fledged dog grooming session.
Ummm, Perogy Pantry perogies, our own cabbage rolls and a meal to celebrate!
Girls love to try out weird settings on their camera's, so I included a goofy Miss Mei.

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