Thursday, February 18, 2010

The most dangerous animal right now is your Mommy!

Yes I said those words! 

Situation:  After supper I told the girls I would make the icing and if they would get the table cleaned off, we could decorate cookies before bed.  I was busy concentrating on making my colors and putting the icing into little bags to squeeze out.  Gregg phones.  Just then I realize WHAT??? the girls are ALL on the computer looking up "world's most dangerous animal" I told them "the most dangerous animal right now is your Mommy!  You did not obey....look at the table..."  OOPS!  Then Daddy had a little chat with each one of them.  So much for icing the cookies...and I had wanted to.  Instead I've spent most of my evening quilting, watching an old movie and crying.  It's so easy to be an angry Momma hard to have the balance between order/obedience and fun.

Oh by the by, according to some researchers, the MOSQUITO is the deadilest animal...2 - 3 million die every year from disease carried by one.  Venomous snakes were #2 , my poor hippo was #7

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