Monday, August 14, 2006

A wee thing called Cocoa

We have come to realize that once again, our lives will never be the same...we are puppy grandparents so to speak. Our eldest daughter Kate has "her life long dream to own a puppy" and we must admit...he IS cute!

He, Cocoa Oreo Thiessen, is a wee Shih tzu/poodle puppy of 6 weeks of age. His first day home was spent running around our yard with our girls and a little friend of theirs. His little legs have to really work to keep wonder he slept good. Not a peep out of him. No accidents, so far, so good.

First thing this morning, instead of little girls crawling into our bed, we heard them go into the sunroom and take Cocoa out to do his morning business. Then of course, the play clothes came out. What a good sport he is with everything. He crawls right up on you to cuddle....just what Kate ordered...

Oh, and don't let it be known that Gregg had to have a little play with the pup last nite too...hee hee. I think Daddy likes him too :)

Well, have a good day all.

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