It's been awhile, which must just mean that I've been busily doing other things. I have just dug out a bunch of half-finished sewing projects and mending and am almost finished the pile. Feels so good to have the sewing machine out again. Now I just need to give the ole' Singer one from the dump a try and see how it is. Next is finishing the curtains for the sun room, so that may be a good project to try the machine on.
Passover is coming up also, which means we actually get to go to a Passover supper through my folks' church and with Jews for Jesus. That is exciting, so I'm looking up Kosher and Passover meal ideas to take along (we love potlucks).
Mei is potty training, and we are de-babying the house and basically been moving everything out to another's house. Feels so good to rid ourselves of some of the space clutterers like the highchair, etc. Now just to move out the crib, but then the child shall be loosed...hum...
My Mary Kay did very well in March and my commission will be the highest yet...thank you God for looking after us. So fun to see how just a little more effort in one direction REALLY pays off.
Kate and Ruth will be riding the big yellow school bus to swimming lessons one afternoon a week and are very excited!
Spring has sprung and we are looking forward to the return of the birds and neighbours too.
I love to walk outside and take a nice big breath! God is good all the time!