Well, the Hova-Bator is hatching our 2nd batch of chicken eggs, one day early. Maybe the thermometer wasn't the problem with the 1st batch. The temp. is at 100 and humidity around the 70 mark. I heard a peep peep last night from a brown egg, so I quickly removed the turning rack that held them big end up.
"Licorce" makes his/her appearance. Kate had a little black chick at my folks when she was wee little named Licorce...the pigs ate it. Now we have no pigs, so this one is safe!
"Esther" is tired of waiting for her younger siblings to arrive and takes a nap by Mei's heart beat.
This is a pretty normal scene, Nana playing with the chicks of human and poultry decent.
This is the Duits' little chick, who arrives just as they were pulling into the drive way~ Perfect timing! It seems lighter than the rest at the moment.
The feathers are coming in on the 1st hatch on April 8th, so 3-4 days old! |
There were some eggs pipped in the morning at 4:30 am and at 7 am. Kate's was the first black little bantam chick at 2:36pm...so less than 10 hours since the first sign of pips. Much faster. 2nd egg (our friends the Duits egg) hatched just as they were pulling into our yard around 3:30pm. I was videotaping this one for them in case they missed it, but they got to see it all squiggly, wet and funny looking. Ruth's little black bantam hatched at 6:10pm.
The Duits' white chick with red mask....adorable! |
1st bantam out! Licorce returns! |
Licorce |
Kate's "Licorce" a few hours hatched |
The Duits' little white chick actually has a red mask and is getting very pretty! Ruth's is the spotted bantam. |
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