Nothing like a new hip ~ trying to figure out how to post about this while honoring my Dad's privacy and his incredibly humble nature.
Dad was injured many years ago while helping a neighbor get in a wild cow. The cow turned on my Dad's horse and while the horse reared to escape injury, Dad's reins broke and Dad was thrown onto a fence. We assume that he cracked his pelvis and never went to the Dr. He was more concerned about getting the men some coffee. That is my Dad.
After years of hard work, his hip wore down to bone on bone and while we prayed continuously for healing, it did not come miraculously, but through the health care system. The miracle was in Dad's lack of pain until near the end when he could no longer get on or off the horse without pain.
Pizza before surgery the next day |
Waiting in the dapper wardrobe they provide |
After surgery, up and about and wearing Ruth's new hat |
We praise God he is off pain meds completely, has very minimal swelling by evening and no bruising. He says each day feels tighter and better! Watching my Dad take his first steps with the new hip overwhelmed me ~ I've never been so proud!